About Us

This is Matt and I the day before we were married. February 28th, 2012 will be our 5th wedding anniversary. Matt is in the Army and goes to college for Software Engineering and has a degree in Computer Science. I am a stay at home mom/wife. I went to school for Early Childhood Education. Though I do miss teaching and caring for other children, I must admit I truly enjoy being able to be home for my kids.

<--- Michael is our 3 year old. He is a super sweet boy. He has epilepsy and developmental delays but that hasn't stopped him from loving life.
Elizabeth is our 9 year old. She is a loving, supportive big sister and daughter. She has many interests and is rarely seen without a book or pen and paper nearby.

We created this blog to share our day-to-day activities, our trips and adventures and anything else shareworthy :) Enjoy!

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